Monday 27 January 2014

Why you need to start using Google Voice, your Android phone's best-kept secret

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01.27.2014  View in a Browser
google voice primary

Why you need to start using Google Voice, your Android phone's best-kept secret

01.27.2014 3:30 AM

Google Voice is positively riddled with cool features. Here's how to take calling, call screening, and voicemail to practically transcendent heights.

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Your backup drive needs a backup plan: Three ways to safeguard the data

01.27.2014 3:00 AM

Files on your backup drive may be as vulnerable as those on your PC, unless you take some important precautions.


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0127 principle move files

The many ways to copy, move, or delete multiple files

01.27.2014 7:18 AM

You may think there's nothing more to learn about these common tasks, but you may be wrong. Here are some tips and tricks even seasoned users could miss.

samsung google handshake

How do you like them apples: Google, Samsung ink patent deal

01.26.2014 4:00 PM

The move will make it easier for them to collaborate, and is a defensive move against Apple

PCWorld News

China's Baidu testing search engines for Brazil, Egypt, Thailand

01.26.2014 9:45 PM

Baidu hopes to become an internationally recognized brand

PCWorld News

To get video into more conference rooms, Logitech goes medium

01.27.2014 1:15 AM

The ConferenceCam CC3000e is a plug-in peripheral for meetings of 6-10 people using existing applications

PCWorld News

LG posts Q4 net loss despite jump in phone sales

01.27.2014 4:45 AM

Marketing costs, strong won dampen earnings.

skydrive icon

Microsoft renames SkyDrive to OneDrive

01.27.2014 6:49 AM

SkyDrive's getting a new name after Microsoft lost a costly trademark battle.

PCWorld News

AT&T closes door on Vodafone acquisition, but only halfway

01.27.2014 6:50 AM

Acquiring Vodafone at this point would have been a bold and risky move for AT&T, said an analyst

Phishers pilfer law enforcement documents from Microsoft

01.27.2014 6:56 AM

Social media and email accounts of some Microsoft employees were hit by phishing attacks, the company said

deepmind ai logo

Google buys artificial intelligence company DeepMind

01.27.2014 7:03 AM

Google relies on machine learning and artificial intelligence in areas such as translation and visual processing

Wikipedia adding voice recordings to famous people's pages

01.27.2014 7:21 AM

England's BBC is helping to get the project off the ground by openly licensing clips from its broadcast archives.

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