Saturday 18 January 2014

Target breach notifications are a perfect example of what not to do

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01.18.2014  View in a Browser

Target breach notifications are a perfect example of what not to do

01.17.2014 1:30 PM

Its bad enough that Target allowed more than 100 million accounts to be compromised, but the retailer's response to the breach is an exercise in poor judgment.

Broken Age Primary

Broken Age Act One review: Kickstarter's darling is a charming, shallow half-game

01.17.2014 2:26 PM

Double Fine's ode to classic '90s adventure games is full of potential, but lacks the depth to make it a classic in its own right.


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Bill Gates Steve Ballmer

CIOs tell Microsoft: Take the time you need to pick the right CEO

01.17.2014 3:12 PM

Microsoft can't afford picking the wrong person as its next CEO, they say

Microsoft's Xbox One topped U.S. console sales in December

01.17.2014 12:13 PM

Microsoft's Xbox One outsold all others during the month of December, continuing its trend of outselling all other game consoles within the U.S.

Obama's NSA reform proposals spark disappointment from some

01.17.2014 12:10 PM

Some digital rights groups wanted an end to the NSA phone records program, but President Obama wants a transition to something similar.


The smartest cars may need 5G networks, Ericsson says

01.18.2014 4:51 AM

The future mobile standard is likely to bring features that open up new possibilities, says Ericsson's chief technology officer.

PCWorld News

Wall Street Beat: VC money pours back into Internet companies

01.17.2014 1:05 PM

The software sector attracts more investments than any other sector, as VC investments grow year over year

PCWorld News

Some tech firms say Obama's surveillance plan is thin on details

01.17.2014 5:20 PM

Companies like Mozilla, Google and Facebook wanted more answers in the president's speech

PCWorld News

Obama's surveillance reform speech invokes history for context

01.17.2014 12:50 PM

The president sought to provide context for why spying is needed, as he called for changes in government practices


Obama fails to address NSA encryption-defeating methods, backdoors

01.17.2014 12:55 PM

The president's speech focused more on a telephone-records collection program than on the Internet, critics say.

Rachel Getting Married

10 classic films to stream for free on Crackle

01.18.2014 3:00 AM

From works by legendary directors to films featuring Oscar-nominated acting performances, these ten streaming movies are worth your time and more than worth their low cost of zero dollars.

toyota fv 2 naias detroit auto show jan 2014

The car of your dreams: The best concepts from NAIAS 2014 in Detroit

01.18.2014 3:30 AM

Hydrogen-powered. Three-wheeled. Gesture-controlled. The concept cars we saw at NAIAS in Detroit were all some kind of crazy, but don't be surprised if you see something like them in the near future.

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