Wednesday 1 January 2014

Papers, Parables, and Portugal: We pick the best PC games of 2013

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01.01.2014  View in a Browser
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Papers, Parables, and Portugal: We pick the best PC games of 2013

01.01.2014 3:30 AM

Who needs console launches? We select the ten best PC games of 2013.

pcworld 2013 year end

2013 in Review: PCWorld's top stories

12.31.2013 12:00 PM

The Windows 8.1 update was a big story for PC users, but it wasn't the only thing to land on our list of most-read stories for 2013.


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Legal ruling

US judge dismisses challenge to border laptop searches

01.01.2014 7:50 AM

Searches done by U.S. Customs and Border Protection without a show of reasonable suspicion are rare and don't require reasonable suspicion, a federal judge said

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