Sunday 26 January 2014

Google bets $2.7 million in Chrome hacking contest

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01.26.2014  View in a Browser

Google bets $2.7 million in Chrome hacking contest

01.26.2014 7:32 AM

After last year's semi-washout, the March security contest will again try to draw out exploits of the Chrome operating system.

Small retailers have less to fear from hackers, experts say

01.26.2014 8:59 AM

Sophisticated methods that can dodge detection typically reserved for specific companies in targeted attacks, say security experts.


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The Internet of Things is already linking up in sports

01.26.2014 9:25 AM

Sensors help players improve their game with smart gadgets and digital coaching.

A hacker's story: Mitchell Frost explains his motivation

01.26.2014 10:50 AM

As a 19-year-old college student In 2006, Mitchell Frost used a campus network to launch botnets against several conservative web sites; here is his story.

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