Friday, 26 April 2013

Review: Skulls of the Shogun is a fun, funny strategy game

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04.26.2013  View in a Browser

Review: Skulls of the Shogun is a fun, funny strategy game

04.19.2013 12:22 PM

Skulls of the Shogun offers a clever turn-based strategy experience across any platform bearing a Microsoft badge. And who doesn't enjoy crushing the occasional skull?

What the 'console-ification' of PCs means for gamers

04.23.2013 3:25 AM

Simple, streamlined, and cheap: The words once used to describe the strengths of console gaming may soon apply to PC gaming, too.


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Nintendo President: Lack of games hurting Wii U, but more titles coming

04.25.2013 5:41 AM

Nintendo's President said a lack of compelling titles for the Wii U is hurting sales, and promised to improve the console's lineup this year.

Razer Comms disrupts the VOIP arena with a free public beta

04.24.2013 6:05 AM

The erstwhile peripheral maker is taking a stab at the VOIP space with Razer Comms.

What I'm Playing: Ninjas that farm, and fish that skip

04.22.2013 6:10 AM

Today we're skipping fish with time traveling ninjas.

Nintendo plans a low-key E3 for 2013 and beyond

04.25.2013 9:55 AM

Nintendo won't hold a massive press conference at this year's gaming expo. And going forward, the company says it will host its own targeted events rather than rely on E3 to unveil major product releases.

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