Thursday, 25 April 2013

Improve Microsoft, Google, & Facebook account security

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How to set up two-factor authentication for Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and more

04.25.2013 3:02 AM

No more excuses! Microsoft, Google, and Facebook make it easy to improve your account security with two-factor authentication. Here's how.

How to grab a freeze-frame from a video

04.25.2013 7:34 AM

Thc008 asked the Photo Editing forum about saving a video frame as a single photo.


Photography Superguide

Improve your photography experience, no matter what device you use.

PCWorld Magazine

Digital versions now available on every device! Learn more.


How to manage and repair your Android apps

04.19.2013 3:30 AM

Simple tips to help you manage misbehaving apps and keep your Android device in fighting shape.

How to enable Family Safety features in Windows 8

04.15.2013 11:52 AM

Microsoft has added some nifty new features to Windows' parental controls. Here's how to get your child's PC set up.

Recycle your old tech gear

04.22.2013 3:00 AM

What to do with your old tech gear when it no longer works? Recycle it. We show you how and where to be responsible with outdated stuff.

One antivirus program is better than two

04.22.2013 7:05 AM

Arcticsid installed one antivirus program on a new PC that already had another. Then he asked the Antivirus & Security Software forum if that was a good idea.

Use SpeedTest to help diagnose Internet problems

04.24.2013 11:58 AM

If your connection suddenly seems slow, SpeedTest can help you determine where the problem lies.

The 21 worst tech habits—and how to break them

04.23.2013 3:30 AM

Your keyboard is just one spill away from dark roast Armageddon. Sound familiar? Then you have a very bad tech habit, friend. Allow us to help.

Typography for all: Demystifying text for high-impact messages

04.23.2013 3:00 AM

These text tips will help you add punch to your message.

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