Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Phone unlocking ban could hit you in the wallet

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01.29.2013  View in a Browser

Phone unlocking ban could hit you in the wallet

01.25.2013 4:33 PM

Phones bought after January 25 can no longer lawfully be decoupled from a carrier by the owner of the device. How did this decision come to rest with a single non-elected, non-technical, elderly librarian in Washington?

How to choose a mobile charger

01.22.2013 7:42 AM

Shopping for a juice box for your travel gear? Make sure you do the right math before choosing one.


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Answer Line: An obscenely slow Internet connection when you're paying for a fast one

01.21.2013 7:01 AM

Interronator is paying Time Warner for 20mbps Internet service, but is only getting about .7 (note the decimal point).

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