Thursday 1 January 2015

The best Android apps of 2014

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01.01.2015  View in a Browser
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The best Android apps of 2014

12.31.2014 4:00 AM

Your phone just isn't complete if you haven't tried out these apps yet.

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The best Android Wear apps of 2014

12.29.2014 4:00 AM

Google's wearable platform is off to a great start with apps like these.

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The first things you should do with that new Android phone

12.26.2014 4:00 AM

Tap in to Google's services and some of the best Play Store options for getting the most out of that new device.

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Samsung's Milk VR app brings the virtual reality promise ever closer with full-motion video

12.30.2014 11:52 AM

“This. I want to see more of this,” Hayden Dingman wrote, after seeing a full-motion video VR demo earlier this year. Well, now it's here, for Gear VR users anyway--one tantalizing step closer to real-life experience.

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2014 in review: The year in Android

12.30.2014 4:00 AM

2014 was a heck of a year for the Android operating system. From the release of Lollipop to executive shakeups, we recount some of the year's biggest stories.


Android’s next update will reportedly fix Lollipop’s memory leak

01.01.2015 4:00 AM

Android Lollipop has had a bumpy rollout, but Google's slowly smoothing things out.

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Got a new Android phone? Here's how to properly get rid of your old one

01.01.2015 4:00 AM

Protect and clear your dataâ€Â"and then sell, donate, or recycle your old phone.

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