Thursday 15 January 2015

The 7 best games for Android TV (no controller required!)

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01.15.2015  View in a Browser
nexus remote games

The 7 best games for Android TV (no controller required!)

01.09.2015 4:00 AM

Even in its infancy, Google's newest media platform features some solid choices for killing some time with games.

img 0649

Tile review: Would you pay $25 a year to find your keys (maybe)?

01.13.2015 4:00 AM

Tile's pretty neat, until the battery dies and you have to buy a replacement.

google now voice primary

A list of all the Google Now voice commands

01.12.2015 10:45 AM

What can you do with your voice on your Android phone? More than you know!

android softwareupdates

Don't panic! It's not that big a deal if you aren't yet running Android Lollipop

01.13.2015 8:00 AM

Some in the press say the sky is falling, after the latest Google chart shows Lollipop has a low adoption rate.

android snow apps

The best Android apps for skiers and winter sports fans

01.12.2015 4:00 AM

Make sure you have all the up-to-date information for a day in the snow by grabbing these Android apps.

eff logo

Electronic Frontier Foundation bashes iOS developer rules, launches Android-only app

01.09.2015 10:27 AM

The EFF’s new app sends updates about the organization’s efforts to push for more online privacy.

android malware

Google criticized for not attacking security flaw in older devices

01.12.2015 12:02 PM

The WebView component, which displays web content within apps, is a major target for hackers.

galaxys5 100261320 primary.idge 1

Samsung bringing a lighter touch of the wiz in Galaxy S6, says report

01.13.2015 9:57 AM

The company may be working on a less resource-intensive TouchWiz that looks more akin to stock Android.

tts translate

Google chases Microsoft with beefed-up Translate speech tools

01.12.2015 6:51 AM

After Microsoft's real-time Skype Translator captured the world's attention, Google's working to improve its own Translate tools.

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