Thursday 24 July 2014

10 technologies that will transform PCs in 2015 and beyond

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07.24.2014  View in a Browser
nearfuturepctech primary

10 technologies that will transform PCs in 2015 and beyond

07.24.2014 3:00 AM

The future of PCs will bring new chips, new memory types, and even new cables and chargers. Take a peek at what's coming.

PCWorld News

Twitter employees mainly male and white, says it has 'lot of work to do'

07.23.2014 7:45 PM

Twitter has been under pressure from U.S. civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson to release the data


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netflix verizon buffer

How a Netflix subscriber used VPN to thwart Verizon's streaming slowdown

07.23.2014 4:16 PM

That's what one tech-savvy Netflix subscriber did when performance lagged on Verizon's network. The result? A 10x boost in his streaming speed.

lenovo smartglasses

Lenovo reveals smartglasses prototype that apes Google Glass, seeks hardware partners

07.24.2014 6:40 AM

Lenovo has established the 'NBD' program to partner with companies on smart devices

iPad Air

Apple still top tablet company, but its grip is loosening

07.24.2014 11:53 AM

Android and Windows tablet vendors are creeping in on Apple's top spot, IDC said.


Google Voice's website gets Hangouts integration, no Google+ account required

07.24.2014 6:20 AM

You can now use Hangouts to call your contacts via the Google Voice website even if you don't have a Google+ account.

terry myerson uber windows phone

Uber drives into the Windows Phone Store

07.23.2014 2:12 PM

Because taxis suck.

The Sims 2

Free game alert: EA's giving away The Sims 2 after ending support for the game

07.24.2014 9:48 AM

From now until the end of the month you can get a free copy of The Sims 2 through Origin.

More AT&T customers switch to paying for their phones

07.24.2014 12:18 AM

Most new postpaid smartphone users are choosing monthly payments over subsidized prices

0724 primary

Control your desktop, or Windows will control it for you

07.24.2014 7:50 AM

Windows rarely leaves the icons on your desktop where you want them. Here's how to fix that annoying problem.

android devil malware

File-encrypting Android ransomware's extortion attempts mimic FBI

07.23.2014 1:13 PM

The malware was updated to use FBI-themed alerts and encrypt backup files, researchers from ESET said

13-inch Retina MacBook Pro (Late 2013) ports

SSD prices for hybrids, ultrathin laptops to flatten next year

07.23.2014 2:23 PM

A shortage may stall SSD prices, but the cost-per-gigabyte will continue to decline

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