Friday 13 December 2013

Why Microsoft might give Windows RT and Windows Phone away for free

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12.13.2013  View in a Browser

Why Microsoft might give Windows RT and Windows Phone away for free

12.12.2013 2:59 PM

Maybe it's desperate, maybe it's disruptive, but nixing licensing fees for Windows Phone and Windows RT could encourage greater adoption of those platforms among hardware vendors. Whether it'll work is anyone's guess.

PCWorld News

North Korea embarks on Internet purge of executed official

12.13.2013 10:25 AM

State-run websites have removed references to Jang Song Thaek, who was executed Thursday


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top phones of 2013

5 fab phones that rocked our socks in 2013

12.13.2013 3:30 AM

If you're looking to buy a new phone, these should be at the top of your list.

Microsoft joins group seeking to replace passwords

12.13.2013 6:50 AM

The FIDO Alliance, which now counts Microsoft as a member, envisions a system where users can interact with an online service without surrendering personal details.

phone airplane shutterstock

FCC moves toward in-flight mobile use; Transportation may ban voice calls

12.12.2013 2:12 PM

While the FCC is moving forward with a plan to let airlines allow the use of mobile phones on flights, the Transportation Secretary wonders if in-flight voice calls are "fair to consumers."

gamingperiphs primary

The best gear for gamers: Buy this and frag happy

12.13.2013 3:00 AM

Console gamer, PC gamer, or somewhere in between? There's something shiny here for all tastes and budgets.

Qualcomm will promote COO to replace Paul Jacobs as CEO

12.13.2013 8:14 AM

The move comes hours after reports that Microsoft was considering Qualcomm COO Steve Mollenkopf as a possible replacement for Steve Ballmer.

Blocked! User outrage spurs Twitter to reverse policy change

12.13.2013 7:13 AM

Twitter on Thursday faced a wave of backlash after it changed its blocking policies. The company quickly backtracked.


Google's new Tips site helps you dig deeper into Android, Gmail, Chrome, and more

12.13.2013 8:13 AM

They're handy, but beware: Google Tips' helpful tidbits also encourage you to share even more personal information with the advertising giant.

instagram direct screenshots

The Kardashians hint at marketing potential for Instagram's messenger

12.13.2013 6:19 AM

Instagram Direct could help some brands boost their engagement, as a pack of inescapable reality TV stars proved.

EFF criticizes Google for removing 'vital privacy feature' with Android 4.4.2

12.13.2013 9:10 AM

The new Android update disables a feature that allowed users to revoke permissions for installed apps.

hacker hand

Hacker gets 18 months for peddling computer access to U.S. national security lab

12.12.2013 11:45 AM

The man offered to sell an undercover FBI agent entry to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory supercomputers.

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