Friday 10 April 2015

Hands on with Microsoft's Surface 3: Full Windows and a new CPU cut the compromises

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04.10.2015  View in a Browser
Surface 3

Hands on with Microsoft's Surface 3: Full Windows and a new CPU cut the compromises

04.07.2015 3:00 AM

Call it the Surface Pro 3's younger sibling: smaller, perhaps a tad immature, but with pluck and potential.

fake surface phone 1

This fake Microsoft Surface phone is the flagship smartphone we want

04.09.2015 4:00 AM

Microsoft has promised new flagship phones to coincide with Windows 10. If only this completely fake Surface phone was one of them.


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microsoft excel logo primary

Your Excel formulas cheat sheet: 15 tips for calculations and common tasks

04.08.2015 3:30 AM

Save this for the spreadsheet jocks in your office--we'd bet even the experts don't know all of these formula tips.

new macbook primary

Review: The new 12-inch MacBook is a laptop without an ecosystem

04.09.2015 9:01 AM

If you value portability over power, and you don't need to physically connect to much, the new MacBook might be for you.


Intel Compute Stick, world's smallest PC, will cost $150 with Windows, $110 with Linux

04.06.2015 9:19 AM

It went on presale via Newegg and is scheduled to ship April 24.

falcon main 1

Reviewed: Falcon Northwest Mach V with triple Titan X cards rips the lid off our gaming tests

04.06.2015 3:00 AM

Nvidia's GeForce Titan X has already been anointed the king of gaming GPUs. Packing three into the Mach V has made it one of the fastest gaming rigs in the world.

acer xb280hk

4K monitors: Everything you need to know about UltraHD PC displays

04.08.2015 3:00 AM

Here's everything you need to know before spending big bucks on a pixel-packed 4K monitor.

evernote searches primary

5 ways to use Note Links, Evernote's secret weapon for getting organized

04.06.2015 3:30 AM

This powerful organizing tool links related items in Evernote, turning your virtual data dump into neat digital file stacks.

Riven Primary

15 classic PC games you should play again

04.03.2015 3:00 AM

Text adventures. Point-and-clicks. Infinity Engine. We round up all the games you should've played back when you had 64MB of SDRAM.


Everything you need to know about NVMe, the insanely fast future for SSDs

04.03.2015 3:30 AM

Designed for SSDs, this new data bus standard lets memory-based storage take flight. But it’s not for the average user yet.

broken laptop screen

How to replace a broken laptop screen

04.09.2015 3:00 AM

If your laptop's LCD screen is cracked, black, or otherwise broken, it doesn't mean your notebook's a paperweight. Here's step-by-step instructions on how to replace a broken laptop screen.

password stock image

3 easy steps to save yourself from stupid passwords

04.09.2015 3:30 AM

We all have them, and now's the time to make them both hacker-proof and easier to manage.

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Review: Adobe Acrobat Pro DC's electronic signatures are its killer app

04.06.2015 9:01 PM

Acrobat and the new Document Cloud service go far beyond what other PDF utilities do, but you now have to pay a subscription for the best features.

windows 10 aio

Open-source Windows? The unthinkable is already happening, says Microsoft

04.03.2015 11:42 AM

A Microsoft executive confirmed that this once-unthinkable prospect is already in progress, as Microsoft allows its customers and partners to dictate what it includes in its products.

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