Friday 9 May 2014

Having trouble downloading Steam games? Try this

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05.09.2014  View in a Browser

Having trouble downloading Steam games? Try this

05.07.2014 8:47 PM

Some of Steam's servers seem to be having issues downloading games right now. Potential fixes inside.

Unreal Tournament

A new Unreal Tournament is finally coming, mod-friendly and free

05.08.2014 2:32 PM

Epic announced "the future of Unreal Tournament" today. It's finally coming, it's mod-friendly, and it's free. Headshots fired.


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xfinity games logo

Report: Comcast near to delivering 'Madden' through your cable box

05.02.2014 6:02 PM

Comcast and Electronic Arts are working to deliver both casual and top-tier games via your cable box, according to a report. The service appears to be called "Xfinity Games Powered by Origin".

elite dangerous space station render

Missing Pieces: Wrapping up the week's must-know gaming news

05.02.2014 3:00 PM

Disney Infinity 2.0, BioShock in Unreal Engine 4, and an Xbox for ChinaApril 28 marked a week of new beginnings, and we have all the best gaming news inside.

halo gallery

Xbox's Halo series may strike covenant with Showtime

05.05.2014 3:52 PM

That's according to Variety, which says a more traditional TV program will air on the pay TV channel, as opposed to the interactive version Xbox Entertainment Studios is developing for Xbox consoles.

Elder Scrolls Online

Elder Scrolls Online delayed six months on Xbox One, PS4

05.08.2014 12:57 PM

Bethesda Softworks announced Thursday that it needs six more months of work on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of Elder Scrolls Online, pushing the release date back from June to this holiday season.

nintendo logo

Even killer Nintendo games couldn't keep the Wii U from having a horrible year

05.07.2014 12:22 PM

There's no way around it at this point: The Wii U is a flop.


Hired gun: Newly revealed Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare stars Kevin Spacey

05.02.2014 10:29 AM

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare may be all about military corporations and super powers.


Nintendo plans new devices, apps, and Skylander-style NFC figurines to shake its Wii U funk

05.08.2014 10:37 AM

Ailing console maker has a few ideas for getting its profit back, but details are scarce for now.

xbox one

Microsoft's Xbox chief shoots down gaming handheld idea

05.05.2014 4:11 PM

Xbox chief Phil Spencer puts the kibosh on a dedicated portable Xbox console, instead implying that Windows Phone is the future.

Neurogaming Conference 2014

Head games: What we saw at NeuroGaming Conference 2014, the premier event on brain-controlled games

05.09.2014 6:00 AM

Think Gum, EEG headsets, and the world's first Personal Brainerthe Neurogaming Conference returns in 2014 as one of the most entertaining, futuristic, and downright crazy conferences of the year.


You Should Play: Third Eye Crime, Act 1

05.09.2014 6:30 AM

If youre a fan of the stealth genre -- or just love a game that nails an aesthetic -- the noir Third Eye Crime is for you.

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