Sunday 22 December 2013

Shopping for last-minute tech gifts? Here's our one stop guide

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12.22.2013  View in a Browser
laptop gifts

Shopping for last-minute tech gifts? Here's our one stop guide

12.21.2013 10:28 PM

We've put our recommendations for best laptops, printers, scanners, and more in one convenient place.


Beware ransomware, mobile malware in 2014, McAfee says

12.21.2013 11:37 AM

Cybercriminals are expected to increasingly use ransomware, malware, and hacktivism to move further into the lucrative business market.


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darpa robotics challenge

Google cheers contestants at Robotics Challenge

12.21.2013 12:45 PM

Now the owner of Boston Dynamics, Google rolls in to watch events at the DARPA Robotics Challenge.


Less phishing, but better targeting in 2013, report says

12.22.2013 7:10 AM

Websense identifies the top come-ons and scams that still seem to work.

Next up: Humans, systems team in cognitive computing

12.22.2013 8:00 AM

Cognitive computing promises to change the game, as humans and computing devices collaborate, each performing the function best suited to its expertise.


Smart devices get smarter, but are still short on security

12.22.2013 9:45 AM

While many smart devices are coming with more cool features, improved security isn't one of them.

Typos online aren't just a hassle,they're a hazard

12.22.2013 10:53 AM

Some clever cybercrooks and scammers are running domains with slightly misspelled names of known security firms.

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