Friday, 15 February 2013

Free Game Friday: Games About the Future

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02.15.2013  View in a Browser

Free Game Friday: Games About the Future

02.15.2013 1:00 AM

This week we?ve got games about time travel, sci-fi wars and race cars.

How to build your own Steam Box today

02.12.2013 3:30 AM

Valve Software believes the future of PC gaming leads to the living room. But why wait for its Steam Box when you can build your own?



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Review: Aliens: Colonial Marines is a bad movie reference

02.12.2013 1:01 AM

Aliens: Colonial Marines should have been left to drift in space.

The history of electronic board games

02.08.2013 3:00 AM

Remember Electronic Battleship and other board games that incorporated electronics into the gameplay starting in the 1970s? It wasn't always a good thing...

Sign up for City of Steam's open beta, get promises of fantasy steampunk fun

02.13.2013 4:40 PM

City of Steam's closed beta was yet more enjoyable than the alpha, but we're still waiting to find out when the open beta will start. You can sign up now, though, so you'll be ready.

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