Sunday, 18 November 2012

iPad shipments jump in China after trademark settlement

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11.18.2012  View in a Browser

iPad shipments jump in China after trademark settlement

11.17.2012 12:15 PM

Apple's iPad shipments for China nearly doubled in the third quarter, after Apple settled in July a lengthy dispute over the iPad trademark name that once threatened to ban the device from store shelves in the country.

Samsung leads phone sales in third quarter, Gartner says

11.18.2012 10:45 AM

Samsung outsold Nokia and Apple in worldwide mobile device sales in the third quarter this year, according to a Gartner report this week.


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Next up: exascale computers, expected to arrive by 2020

11.18.2012 10:00 AM

If the increase in supercomputer speeds continue at their current pace, we will see the first exascale machine by 2020, estimated the maintainers of the Top500 compilation of the world's fastest systems.

Broadband can save users $8,400 a year, study says

11.18.2012 9:27 AM

The savings difference between this year and last is said to be due to a rising cost of products and services offline and an increase in comparison shopping services on the Web.

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