Tuesday 9 June 2015

These 10 amazing watchOS 2 features will make Apple Watch worth buying

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06.09.2015  View in a Browser
watchos 2

These 10 amazing watchOS 2 features will make Apple Watch worth buying

06.09.2015 3:55 AM

Apple Watch needed some software fixes that watchOS 2 promises to deliver.


6 headaches Apple is fixing in iOS 9

06.09.2015 8:24 AM

It's the little things that drive you crazy every day: the shift key, the light-up notifications. Apple's heard the cussing and will fix these problems and more with iOS 9.


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Apple Watch apps will get much more useful with WatchOS 2

06.08.2015 12:47 PM

Developers will soon be able to free themselves from the iPhone and tap into the full array of Apple Watch sensors.


Apple announces modest changes to its HomeKit platform at WWDC 2015

06.08.2015 12:48 PM

Support for new sensor classes motorized window shades coming with iOS 9, Siri control with watchOS 2.0.


Microsoft bulks up to a 1TB Xbox One, ahead of rumored 1TB Sony PS4

06.09.2015 9:43 AM

With the E3 gaming conference looming, the console wars are ramping up--and Xbox One needs every edge it can get against the dominant PlayStation platform.

ios9 move to ios from android

Apple creates 'Move to iOS' app to pull Android users away from Google

06.08.2015 7:20 PM

The new app will let Android switchers transfer all kinds of data and media from their old phone to a new iPhone.

android vs apple ios

5 things Apple announced at WWDC that are 'borrowed' from Android

06.08.2015 3:00 PM

It's the same fight after every keynote: Who stole what from whom and which company does it better?

maingear beauty

Review: Maingear Epic Force X99 with 4-way Titan X cards

06.09.2015 3:00 AM

It looks and acts custom-modded, but the truth is under the hood--right next to the four Titan X graphics cards.

google photos

Six Google Photos quirks and how to work around them

06.09.2015 4:00 AM

Google's new service is off to a great start, but they still have a few kinks to iron out.

facebook beacon

Facebook letting more stores ping your phone when you're inside

06.08.2015 2:20 PM

Facebook's Place Tips feature highlights relevant information about businesses in News Feed.


As open source code, Apple's Swift language could take flight

06.08.2015 4:48 PM

Open sourcing Swift might bring Apple a larger group of developers writing in the programming language.

ios8 spotlight

Apple frees casual iOS developers of membership requirement

06.08.2015 5:35 PM

Pro developers only have to pay $99 a year to develop for OS X, iOS and Apple Watch

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