Thursday 26 March 2015

New Apple TV hardware coming this summer, report says

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03.26.2015  View in a Browser
new apple tv icons sep2014

New Apple TV hardware coming this summer, report says

03.20.2015 10:26 AM

Siri, App Store, and home automation could be centerpieces of Apple's next living room set-top box.

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At least 700,000 routers that ISPs gave to their customers are vulnerable to hacking

03.19.2015 7:20 PM

The devices have serious flaws that enable unauthorized remote access and DNS hijacking, a researcher found


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God Mode bookmarklet makes it easy to sort through Netflix recommendations on a PC

03.19.2015 8:24 AM

Do you hate scroling through Netflix's Carousel-style interface on a PC? This bookmarklet can help make the site friendlier for mouse-and-keyboard PCs.


Canary, the DIY home-security system, goes from crowd-funding sensation to mainstream retail product

03.25.2015 6:00 AM

Backers contributed more than $2 million to Canary's Indiegogo campaign. Now you can buy one at retail.

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Net neutrality rules let FCC police future ISP conduct

03.19.2015 11:04 AM

The agency's future conduct standard raises questions about business models for broadband providers


NBC might be working on a TV-everywhere app for Apple TV

03.19.2015 2:03 PM

The app, rumored for release in second half of 2015, will reportedly require a cable subscription.

3g z wave wifi module

The IControl One adds new capabilities to old home-security systems

03.24.2015 5:00 AM

Swapping out a single module can convert a soon-to-be-obsolete panel into a state-of-the-art home-control system.

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Score one for net neutrality: Exceptions sought for streaming TV aren't sticking

03.20.2015 9:39 AM

Sony, HBO, and Showtime reportedly seek special treatment for their online video services, but run into net neutrality rules and business concerns.


Slingbox's desktop player is now lousy with ads

03.23.2015 6:54 AM

The latest SlingPlayer Desktop update clutters the video interface with banner advertisements.


Here's the hardware that will power Windows-based robots and connected homes

03.19.2015 10:44 AM

Microsoft has big plans for spreading Windows beyond phones, tablets, and PCs, and it's just started talking about the hardware options.

Microsoft prepares Windows 10 for panoply of sensors

03.25.2015 9:15 AM

A unified sensor interface will allow Windows 10 devices to support a slew of new environmental, biometric, proximity and motion sensors.

solar farm

Stanford breakthrough could make better chips cheaper

03.24.2015 3:40 PM

A new process reduces the cost of making gallium arsenide chips and solar cells.

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