Friday 26 December 2014

7 critical things to do immediately with a new PC

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12.26.2014  View in a Browser

7 critical things to do immediately with a new PC

12.25.2014 3:00 AM

Quick, while it's still pure and unsullied! Set up antivirus, clear out bloatware, and perform other tasks to keep your PC humming well into the future.

softwarefornewpc primary

Your new PC needs these 22 free, excellent programs

12.24.2014 7:18 PM

Start off right with solid security tools, productivity software, and other programs that every PC needs.


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Check our Guides packed with practical how-tos, in-depth features, tips and tricks, and more!

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The Grinch

Both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network downed by (supposed) DDOS attacks

12.25.2014 2:02 PM

It's Christmas, and the group known as Lizard Squad just discovered its heart is three sizes too small.

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Microsoft's biggest wins and fails of 2014

12.22.2014 3:00 AM

Microsoft barely made it through 2014 on the positive side, as the company absorbed Nokia's phones and Mojang's Minecraft, introduced Cortana, and put out fires in Windows 8 and Windows Phone. Relive the saga with us here.

google logo

Google's 14 biggest hits and misses of 2014

12.23.2014 3:00 AM

A tech company as big as Google is bound to do some amazing things every year, but it's also not immune to failure. Let's look back at where the search giant went right and wrong in 2014.

Nvidia GeForce GTX 980

The best gaming PCs and hardware of 2014

12.19.2014 3:00 AM

It was a great year for gaming hardware. We pick our tested favorites, from mice to GPUs to full-blown PCs.


Indie gems: The 15 best PC games you may have missed in 2014

12.19.2014 3:00 AM

They're small, scrappy, and just as enjoyable as big-name games. Don't miss these standout titles from a busy year.

charity apps primary

Give back this holiday with these Android charity apps

12.25.2014 4:00 AM

It's okay if you don't have time to volunteer or gobs of cash to make a huge donation. These apps can help you get started down the path of charitable giving.

stupid startups

Silly startups: Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels ... the dumb ones

12.23.2014 9:11 AM

Genetic-based dating, illegal parking, awkward wake-up calls and more!

FCC campout

Experts: FCC will adopt net neutrality rules in early 2015

12.24.2014 11:18 AM

Yet, it's unclear whether the agency will reclassify broadband as a regulated utility

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Linux, Chrome, Steam and more: The 10 biggest un-Windows stories of the year

12.22.2014 3:30 AM

The anything-but-Windows PC ecosystem is vast, and it saw some tremendous upheaval in 2014â€Â"some good, some bad.

dell chromebook 11 lid march 2014

7 reasons Chromebooks hit their stride in 2014

12.23.2014 3:30 AM

Google Chromebooks went from curiosity to a computing mainstay in 2014. Here's why.

bestgames2014 lead2

The best Android games of 2014

12.24.2014 3:30 AM

Free or premium, breezy or in-depthâ€Â"these are the essential games from this year.

ns nightmarebeforechristmas

Hark, the Netflix angels sing: Here are 10 Christmas movies for you and yours to stream

12.24.2014 4:00 AM

No need to fight the crowds at the cineplex. Netflix has plenty of holiday classics for your nearly silent night.

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