Wednesday 12 November 2014

Microsoft fixes severe 19-year-old Windows bug found in everything since Windows 95

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11.12.2014  View in a Browser

Microsoft fixes severe 19-year-old Windows bug found in everything since Windows 95

11.12.2014 7:56 AM

With help from IBM, Microsoft has patched a critical vulnerability that flew under the radar since the launch of Windows 95.

Your control of your personal info is all but dead, Pew respondents fear

11.12.2014 8:57 AM

Many said they've lost control over how their personal data is used, according to a Pew survey.


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n6 main

Nexus 6 review: The best Nexus yet, if you can tolerate its gargantuan size

11.12.2014 10:30 AM

A whopping six-inch display isn't for everyone. You may learn to love it, but the limited camera software is frustrating.

software patch stock image

Microsoft releases 14 patches for Windows security problems

11.11.2014 12:23 PM

It's the largest number of patches issued in a single day so far in 2013 and 2014

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Apple iMessage lawsuit will go ahead, California judge rules

11.11.2014 1:55 PM

The case, for which the plaintiff seeks class-action status, comes after years of missed iMessage problems

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Groupon drops 'Gnome' trademark claims after Gnome Foundation braces for battle

11.12.2014 5:44 AM

The open-souce software foundation had been raising funds to defend its trademark

PCWorld News

Microsoft open sources .Net server stack

11.12.2014 7:40 AM

The company is building a version of .Net for Linux and Mac OS X

PCWorld News

Motorola and LG vie to be first with Android 5.0 update

11.12.2014 5:25 AM

The new version of Google's OS has a new look along with better performance and security

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DarkHotel malware attacks target poorly secured networks, especially in hotels

11.12.2014 3:00 AM

DarkHotel's strategy is primitive but powerful, seeking out highly placed corporate users via vulnerable public networks. But there is a way to stay safe.

PCWorld News

Microsoft ramps up 'devops' capabilities for developers

11.12.2014 7:40 AM

Microsoft has added release management, performance measurement and configuration blueprints to its devops arsenal

Adobe fixes 18 critical vulnerabilities in Flash Player

11.12.2014 6:01 AM

Fifteen of them are critical and can result in remote code execution

witcher 2

Free games alert: Witcher 2, Mount & Blade giveaways kick off's fall games sale

11.12.2014 8:23 AM

Two free games, and the D&D Classics collection on sale for 80 percent offâ€Â"GOG's Fall Sale opens with some loud shots.

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