Friday 4 July 2014

Digital independence day: Your guide to DIY, open-source, anonymous free computing

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07.04.2014  View in a Browser
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Digital independence day: Your guide to DIY, open-source, anonymous free computing

07.03.2014 3:30 AM

Take control of your tech life. We'll show you how.

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13 wonderfully complex games for the long weekend

07.03.2014 6:41 PM

These majestic games demanded to be played for days, not hoursâ€Â"and your tenacity will be rewarded.


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Google logo fisheye

'Right to be forgotten' leads Google to conceal certain stories from UK media sites

07.03.2014 8:25 AM

Google is deleting links to articles as part of the ruling, giving rise to a huge, if indirect, challenge to press freedom, The Guardian said

Microsoft accidentally borks legit websites while hunting malware in No-IP takeover

07.02.2014 6:15 AM

No-IP claims Microsoft doesn't appear to be very good at DNS


10 critical security habits you should be doing (but aren't)

06.30.2014 3:00 AM

Staying safe these digital days takes more than antivirus. Here are 10 fundamental things you do to protect your PC and other devices.

Take precautions when using Gmailâ€Â"or any other email service

07.03.2014 7:43 AM

Google's almost ubiquitous email client doesn't guarantee that your email will be private, or that your account won't be hacked. But the right precautions can give you reasonable protection.

comcast xfinity wifi home is hotspot july 2014

To Xfinity WiFi we're all hotspots, but you don't have to be

07.02.2014 3:00 AM

As Xfinity WiFi spreads west, so do concerns about the use of customers’ modems as both private and public Wi-Fi connections. Luckily, you have choices for opting out of the program.

Installation traps

How to keep annoying little programs from sneaking onto your PC

07.02.2014 3:30 AM

Options that trick you into installing potentially unwanted programs(PUPs) are common during the setup of free tools and programs. Here's how to spot them and keep them off your system.


10 videoconferencing tools for small groups

07.01.2014 3:30 AM

Get everyone on the same pageâ€Â"literallyâ€Â"with these video chat and conferencing solutions.

Digital Storm Krypton

Digital Storm Krypton review: A kick-ass gaming laptop at a great price

07.01.2014 3:00 AM

This relatively affordable 17-inch gaming portable will rock your virtual worlds.

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The top 10 Windows 8 questions everyone asks

06.27.2014 3:00 AM

We get asked about Windows 8 all the time, and some burning questions just don't die. See if you're savvy enough to answer the top 10 puzzlers for this still-new OS.

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The tablet’s tortured past: 8 failures that led to the slates we use today

06.30.2014 3:30 AM

They were flat. Many had pens or touchscreens. And most of them died. Swipe back in time to see how tablets have evolved to the Surface, iPad, and Android slates we use today.


Microsoft plans six security bulletins for July Patch Tuesday

07.03.2014 4:36 PM

According to the advance notification from Microsoft, there will be six security bulletins next week, but only two rated as Critical.


Apple retires Aperture and iPhoto, to be replaced with Photos for OS X

06.27.2014 10:08 AM

Apple said Friday that it will cease development of its professional image tool Aperture and transition users to the new Photos app in 2015.

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