Thursday 20 March 2014

5 tips to make Windows 8's Metro UI more practical and less irritating

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03.20.2014  View in a Browser
All applications show up as tiles on the Windows 8 Start screen.

5 tips to make Windows 8's Metro UI more practical and less irritating

03.18.2014 1:00 PM

The desktop may be the UI of choice for most Windows users, but what do you do when the modern UI makes more sense?

0313 principle

How to set and keep your preferred default font in Word

03.13.2014 12:37 PM

It's easy to change your default font in Word. But the next time you create a new document, it's back to Calibri. Here's the fix.


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Your IP address: Who can see it and what you can do about it

03.17.2014 10:15 AM

You need a visible IP address to surf the web, but you can manage some of that visibility to protect your privacy. Here's how.

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The right way to set up a new PC

03.18.2014 6:30 AM

That new machine isn't truly ready for business until you complete these steps.

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How to turn an old phone or tablet into a PC productivity tool

03.19.2014 6:00 AM

That old phone needn't sit in the junk drawer. With the right apps, it can work with your PC to add useful features or speed up tasks.

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Bugs & Fixes: 18 vulnerabilities in IE, squashed

03.19.2014 9:00 AM

A seemingly quiet Patch Tuesday lumps a bucket of browser vulnerabilities into one, big item. Windows and Silverlight bugs are also squashed.

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