Saturday 22 February 2014

Facebook rethinks the fate of your posts after you die

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02.22.2014  View in a Browser
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Facebook rethinks the fate of your posts after you die

02.21.2014 8:20 PM

Changes to Facebook's policy do away with previous visibility restrictions.

Dropbox changes terms of service to resolve disputes

02.22.2014 9:30 AM

The cloud storage firm gives customers 30 days to "opt out" of the new terms, which specify a means to resolve any legal claims.


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Microsoft to drop price of Windows 8 licenses 70% for low-end devices, report says

02.22.2014 9:48 AM

Boot-to-desktop also to become standard for non-touch PCs, according to anonymous source.

IRS warns of leading tax scams

02.22.2014 10:15 AM

The U.S. tax agency releases its "Dirty Dozen" of leading tax scams that have surfaced, urging consumers to take care.

Microsoft tools protect IE10 until Patch Tuesday arrives

02.22.2014 11:34 AM

Microsoft has delivered a stopgap defense for active attacks against Internet Explorer 10, and is not likely to ship a patch before March 11.

google glass 2012

Spanish bank touts apps for smartwatch, Google Glass

02.22.2014 12:45 PM

Caixa Bank claims it is the first to develop an application for use with smartwatch devices, along with a customer app that runs on Google Glass.

apple vs samsung

Mediation fails to bridge Apple and Samsung's patent divide

02.22.2014 1:15 PM

A full day of talks attended by the CEOs of both companies didn't bring agreement that would stop a March jury trial

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