Thursday 7 November 2013

Let go of that laptop: the ultimate guide to making a tablet your main computer

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11.07.2013  View in a Browser

Let go of that laptop: the ultimate guide to making a tablet your main computer

11.01.2013 3:00 AM

Done with heavy hardware? With these apps, peripherals, and cloud services, you can leave that notebook behind for good.

Spend 20 bucks, build yourself an adjustable standing desk in 20 minutes

11.01.2013 3:30 AM

Being able to stand up while working makes you healthier and more productive--but you dont have to spend a fortune for the privilege.


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When Windows breaks: How to fix it, piece by piece

11.04.2013 3:00 AM

Your browser goes bonkers! Your firewall freaks out! No worries: Windows can repair many problems itself. Here's how.

Speed up a slow PC without buying new hardware

11.04.2013 7:41 AM

Gamersim17 complains that his PC is "moving extremely slowly and not performing like it should." He asked the Desktops forum for advice.

How to make your pet as Internet-famous as Lil Bub and Menswear Dog combined

11.06.2013 3:30 AM

Tips from the experts on launching your cat, puppy, or parakeet's career as a meme.

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