Wednesday 24 July 2013

Apple continues to hint at new products this year

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07.24.2013  View in a Browser

Apple continues to hint at new products this year

07.23.2013 4:15 PM

Apple says new products are coming, but don't ask when, or what, or how much -- the company isn't telling.

Hands-on: Motorola gives Verizons new Droids a much-needed makeover

07.23.2013 4:29 PM

With a thin design, Android 4.2.2, and a wealth of software extras, these three new handsets are Motorolas effort to turn things around.


Windows 8 Starter Guide

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Lenovo IdeaPad Y500

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Clockwise 3: A dump truck of hurt

07.23.2013 1:30 PM

Jason Snell, Dan Moren, Dan Frakes, and Leah Yamshon discuss digital versus analog media, mobile sharing plans, a big week in maps, and wireless speakers.

SEC charges Texas man with running Bitcoin Ponzi scheme

07.23.2013 10:30 PM

A Texas man was charged on Tuesday in U.S. federal court with allegedly running a Bitcoin Ponzi scheme, allegedly siphoning the virtual currency from victims to pay for rent, food and gambling.

SIM card vulnerabilities easy to fix, researcher says

07.23.2013 11:50 PM

A pair of severe security problems in millions of SIM cards should be easy for operators to fix, according to the German security researcher who found the issues.

Rep proposes amendment to curb NSA spying, White House is not on board

07.24.2013 6:11 AM

The White House is opposed to an amendment to a defense spending bill that would limit spending on mass surveillance by the National Security Agency.

Kepler to go: Nvidia's desktop graphics technology is coming to tablets and smartphones

07.24.2013 7:49 AM

Nvidia yanked back the curtain on a mobile version of its core Kepler graphics technology, promising iPad 4-level graphics at a third of the power cost.

Microsoft to offer Java as a service

07.24.2013 8:20 AM

Adding to a growing portfolio of enterprise software it offers as hosted services, Microsoft plans to add Java to its Windows Azure cloud service.

Ultimate goal for Ubuntu Edge phone may go beyond crowdfunding campaign

07.24.2013 9:40 AM

Pledges for the Ubuntu Edge -- the smartphone that doubles as a desktop -- flew hot and heavy over the first few days, and now Canonical has introduced lower pricing tiers. Even so, more than $27 million is left to be raised. What's the true goal here?

Review: Reddit Enhancement Suite makes Reddit browsing easier and more pleasant

07.24.2013 10:36 AM

Bring Reddit's page design up to date with browser add-on Reddit Enhancement Suite. With it, you can browse faster and follow discussions more closely.

Icahn in control after Dell ups offer to take company private

07.24.2013 11:05 AM

Michael Dell and Silver Lake's decision to raise the offer to take Dell private is a concession that rival Carl Icahn and affiliate parties may have an upper hand in the wrangling to take over the company, observers of the deal said.

Report: Android spyware infections on the rise

07.23.2013 12:50 PM

About 1 percent of Android devices are infected with malware, according to Alcatel-Lucent's Kindsight Security Labs.

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