Wednesday 27 October 2010

The Top 100 Products of the Year

PC World

What are the technology products that matter--the ground-breaking sites, services, hardware, and software that made 2010 a banner year for high-tech? To answer that question, PCWorld's elves (actually editors in ill-fitting garments) spent the last 52 weeks testing, prodding, and playing with literally thousands of products. The result: our annual Best Products of the year list. We invite you to ponder, consult, criticize, and—inevitably—argue over all 100 choices.

What constitutes a "best" product for 2010? To start with, it needs to have been launched in the last year or so, or have introduced a major new feature or upgrade during that span. Second, the product itself must truly stand out. It should be a well-thought-out, relatively bug-free implementation that lets users do something they couldn't do before, or do it better. Third (and this is the real kicker), the truly wonderful product should be a leader. It should offer a glimpse into the future of computing and point the way for a host of innovations to follow.

I believe that this year's chosen ones all qualify handily. Take a look at the full, annotated list and leave us a comment. And if you're game, go to our Facebook app to vote for your own top five. We'd love to know what you think.

Steve Fox
Editorial Director, PCWorld
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