Tuesday 10 August 2010

Google-Verizon Net Neutrality Pact: 5 Red Flags

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August 10, 2010
Daily Technology News
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Google-Verizon Net Neutrality Pact: 5 Red Flags Google and Verizon are floating policy suggestions for a shared vision of net neutrality. Here are five red flags that should have you concerned.
Motorola Droid 2: Your Guide to Verizon's Next Android Phone Verizon's Motorola Droid 2 Android phone is widely expected to launch this week, and while the companies are keeping pretty quiet about the device, there's no shortage of unofficial information available.
How to Protect Your Smartphone's Valuable Data Today's sophisticated handsets store vast amounts of personal information, and the theft of smartphones is on the rise. Here's how to protect your phone's data.
Net Neutrality Advocates Blast Google, Verizon Plan In a move many see as a blow to network neutrality Google and Verizon have proposed "open Internet" guidelines for how traffic might flow across the Internet.
Microsoft vs. Mac Redux: New Site Reignites Rivalry As more and more students consider buying Apple computers, Microsoft launches a new site trying to win them back to Windows.
South Korea Crashes Google's Street View Party, Finally South Korea authorities are investigating whether Google illegally stored and collected personal wireless data as part of Google Street View.
Who Will Kill Net Neutrality? Even if the carriers aren't explicitly agreeing to all do the same thing, the fact that they are, actually, all doing the same thing -- and it's not in the consumer's interest -- should raise all sorts of red flags.
Verizon, Google and the Future of the Net Last week, Google and Verizon denied they were negotiating a deal that could undermine Net neutrality. Here's what might really be going on.
The Verizon iPhone Rumor Mill Keeps Churning TechCrunch and Electronista provide a couple of possibly vital clues in the whole Verizon/iPhone saga.
Sex-Crazed Tech CEOs Should Be Seen and Not Hurd Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark Hurd taken down by a sex scandal? Next we'll find out that Steve Jobs is really a woman.
Net Neutrality: Reading Between the Google-Verizon Lines The Google-Verizon plan on the surface embraces net neutrality, while really setting the framework for the opposite.
Verizon Roadmap Leak Suggests Android Phones, Tablets Galore Verizon will be launching several Android-based phones and tablets within the next six months, according to reports.
Kmart's Not-Going-Out-of-Business Game Clearance Sale The mega-retailer may not be going out of business, but they're closing out all kinds of video game hardware as if they were.
Motorola Droid 2: What We Know (Off the Record) So Far So what's the Droid 2 all about, and how's it different from the rest of Verizon's Android pack? Here's the lowdown.
Use The PSP2 Luke: Force Unleashed 2 For PSP Abandoned LucasArts confirms it has cancelled Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 for Sony's PSP video games handheld.
Tech Titans Prone to Scandals Ex-HP CEO Mark Hurd is just latest in long line of tech chiefs forced to resign.
Google, Verizon Pitch New Net Neutrality Plan Google and Verizon pitch a plan to divvy up the Internet where most of it is free and open and some is private and faster.
Microsoft Battles Apple in the Wrong Market Microsoft's new "PC vs. Mac" comparison site makes some very good points, but Mac isn't really a threat, and Microsoft needs to focus on fighting Apple where it matters.
Toshiba Feature Wipes Data When Hard Drives Turned off Toshiba on Tuesday introduced a new feature where data is automatically wiped when hard drives are powered down.
HP Researcher Claims to Crack Compsci Complexity Conundrum A Hewlett-Packard researcher puts forth a possible solution to a computer science puzzler.
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Top News on PCWorld.com
Google-Verizon Net Neutrality Pact: 5 Red Flags Google and Verizon are floating policy suggestions for a shared vision of net neutrality. Here are five red flags that should have you concerned.
Motorola Droid 2: Your Guide to Verizon's Next Android Phone Verizon's Motorola Droid 2 Android phone is widely expected to launch this week, and while the companies are keeping pretty quiet about the device, there's no shortage of unofficial information available.
Top Reviews on PCWorld.com
Android's Dumbest Apps For every brilliant download in the Android Market, there are hundreds of ridiculous also-rans. We tested some of the worst so you don't have to.
Tighten Your PC's Security With Encrypt Stick Feature-laden security utility Encrypt Stick runs from a flash drive and installs no software on your PC.
HP's Competitively Priced Pavilion DV6 Laptop is Attractively Stylish If you're in the market for a fully-loaded, competitively-priced laptop, HP's Pavilion DV6 deserves a close look.
Retro Camera for Android Retro Camera offers a simple way to give pictures taken with your phone a stylish look. Its photo filters are inspired by old Lomo, Holga, and Polaroid cameras, among others.
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