Friday 25 June 2010

PCWorld's Tale of the Tape: iPhone 4 vs. Droid X

PC World

PCWorld editors lined up yesterday along with thousands around the world to get our hands on the newest iPhone. And only the day before, we tried out Motorola's newest handset, the Droid X.

How do the two stack up? And what about the EVO 4G?

Check out PCWorld's hands-on tests for voice quality, cost of ownership, display, and several other categories. We compared the Droid X and iPhone 4 and crowned an overall winner.

iPhone 4 vs. Droid X: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Wondering about network connection speeds of the new iPhone? Editor Mark Sullivan took the iPhone 4 handset and a 3GS model on a tour around San Francisco, measuring and comparing network connection speeds and voice-call quality of the two phones. Find out whether the iPhone 4's new antenna design to improve wireless reception really pays off.

iPhone4 Seems to Connect Faster with One Troubling Flaw

How about image quality? Which blockbuster smartphone shoots the best photos and videos? We put the iPhone 4, Droid X, EVO 4G, and Samsung's Galaxy to the test and found a clear-cut winner.

Smartphone Camera Battle: iPhone 4 vs. the Android Army

More smartphone coverage from PC World:

» PCWorld Review of iPhone 4

» PCWorld Review of Motorola Droid X

» PCWorld Review of HTC EVO 4G

» PCWorld Review of Samsung Galaxy S

» Android App Guide

» iPhone App Guide

» PCWorld's Top Cell Phones

» How to Buy a Cell Phone

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